**For those who are near or visiting Amsterdam!**
We would like to invite you to a beautiful afternoon gathering in Amsterdam on the 23rd July. We are a group of born again followers of Christ (Christine, Imaya, Rachel, Lisanne and Laura) who have been set free by His Truth and who the Son sets free is free indeed! We have all tirelessly wandered in the wilderness, trying to find truth, purpose and our identity in a myriad of new age practices, teachers, expensive courses and retreats. We have done it all; from shamanism, reiki, tantra, magick, plant ceremonies, gurus and mediumship. Come alone for a day of praise & worship, testimonies, Q&A, what is the Gospel message, prayers and discussing what does it mean to have a relationship with God. We will explore forgiveness, healing the Father wound and finally coming home to God.
This is a free event, all is welcome. Invite others who may be interested. Please message for a spot. It will also be live-streamed, PM for details.
With love, respect and glory to God
#NewAgeToJesus in Amsterdam
Berlin edition coming soon in August!