“Great is your faithfulness to me. From the rising sun, to the setting same, I will praise your name. Great is your faithfulness to me” I was saved last year, March 2021 from the deception of the new age. Became born again, filled with the Holy Spirit and then God took me around the world to fulfil His great commission. I am now a travelling evangelist. I have travelled to the US, Doha, Mexico, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, England, France, Belgium, Luxemborg, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Israel and Malta. Spreading the good news that Jesus sets you free! If you have it on your heart to support this travelling ministry,
it would be an incredible blessing. I am living solely on His provision with complete hope and faith where I am led. You can PM me for more info about Jesus, on leaving the new age, evangelism and organising outreaches in your cities 🙏🕊 #newagetojesus #jesussaves #truth #freedom #setfree #jesus #christian #baptism #holyspirit #evangelism #testimony #gospel #preach #discipleship #travelling #evangelist #travel