Bringing revival to Europe, an exodus from the new age false light into His glorious true light
Berlin 28th August
Reiswerder Strand, 11am, PM for details.
Berlin is a city of music, colour and creativity. We will be sharing the gospel here and reaching the new age community to share our testimonies. Organised by Christine IG @christine_bornagain and Miriam @myrieme_ with support by
Every Nations Kirche Berlin @everynationkircheberlin
Tilburg 4th September
7PM at Indigolaan 154, Tilburg 5044
PM for confirmation.
Gathering in the South of Netherlands,, organised by the House of Miracles IG @houseofmiracleschurch, a network of home churches, and we will have several #newagetoJesus testimonies from the Netherlands.
Co-run with Noor from IG @zielenpraat
Nijmegen 10th September
Valkhofpark. PM for confirmation.
Situated near the river, a beautiful community is rising in this city. Amazing testimonies and a very special collaboration with House of Miracles, Christine IG @christine_bornagain and Naela Rose IG @undone_by_grace. Beautiful #newagetoJesus testimonies to be shared.
Zurich 18th September
Lake Zurich, 2pm. PM for details.
Our final #newagetoJesus event for the summer. We are ending it in the centre of Europe. Come to this beautiful gathering near the lake. We will be evangelising and reaching the new age community, spreading the Good News that Jesus saves!
Oragnised by Christine (NZ) @christine_bornagain, Naela Rose (UK) @undone_by_grace and Miriam (GR) @myrieme_
