Beautiful testimony of a young woman by His grace I had the pleasure of witnessing to. Myrieme reached out two months ago curious about Jesus. She was in a toxic relationship, deep in the new age and unhappy in her life with anxiety and depression, even though she appeared successful and happy on social media with ~20k followers. She was also experiencing sleep paralysis and demonic attacks in her daily life and sought healing in the new age.
By God’s hand she stumbled upon my profile and contacted through IG. She asked many questions and I was able to share the Gospel, resources, testimonies and other #newagetojesus profiles. It was an honour to support her and I saw that she was willing and open. In a short amount of time, she was quickly letting go of all the deception and lies from the new age. Her whole reality and set of beliefs as a new age coach and influencer was being stripped away but she continued trusting the process.
Through repentance and turning away from new age and sin, she became born again and was filled with the Holy Spirit. It was beautiful to see her delivered and fruitfully experience God’s love, peace and joy. She was able to let go of a relationship that was damaging her soul and is already helping young people deep in the new age come out of the deception. She is a mighty evangelist!
She messaged me last week to ask where I was and we found out I was only a few hours away from her in Germany. The Lord had impressed it on my heart to travel and meet her, and to baptise her! It was beautiful to witness a person come from being curious online and then being there and holding her hand in her baptism. It was a great privilege and it is truly the Great Commission being fulfilled!
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19
God you are wonderous and with faith I trust in everything you do! I wrote last week how this journey can be lonely and tiresome but it’s worth it to help bring a soul home . Thank you Jesus
Myrieme’s testimony: “I tried everything… reiki, yoga, breathwork, meditation, tarot cards, astrology, sage, hypnosis, dmt, ayahuasca, theta healing, self help books etc . My mental health got worse, I felt more and more empty.
I was told this is normal. I‘m “ascending“ into the 5D and purging for the collective
When I finished one energy/awareness course I would go into another because I didn’t quite get the answers I was looking for. I was searching and searching. I wanted to believe in something, I wanted to believe that there was a way out.
One day I was so desperate and started crying and praying: “God please help me. I don’t know what to do anymore. Show me the truth!”
The day after I was on Paul Saladino (carnivoremd2.0) page... checking the comments under a post of him and then I got on @heathersfigjt profile, saying “ex new age to Jesus / ex vegan“ etc. After that I found more and more people who were talking about the deception of the new age spirituality. It blew my mind
I watched so many New Age to Jesus testimonies on YouTube... I got convicted straight away! All these occult practices open door for demonic entities... which you might call “angels / spirit guides“
I started reading the Bible and praying to god to help me heal it wasn’t easy... the moment I turned away from the new age and got rid of everything (books, sage, reiki certificate, Buddha statues...) I got spiritually attacked from these “light beings“ I was so confused... I had nightmares and people who seem to be so “love and light “ would even attack me - because they were so triggered of me believing in Jesus telling me I would be lost now in the next thing…
Since I gave my life to God, my values and morals have been put into order, my relationship problems stemming from my childhood are being made right, and there are many more things to learn but I know that God is there right by my side, and He has said to me that He will never leave me or forsake me, and He will always be there for me, holding my hand.
He made me a new creation.. gave me a new heart, mind and soul I got healed from all my trauma and childhood memories.. I know he is the TRUTH and sets you free !