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  • Writer's pictureChristine Do

Miracles and Healings

For the past two months I have been stepping out in faith! I have already shared my testimony and the gospel on here over and over, and y’all have heard it. God was like right child, it’s time to go into the streets. The harvest is plenty but the labourers are few!

I have so many countless testimonies of miracles! My heart can’t fathom how almighty our God is and the power in the name of Jesus. The authority He has given us to be His hands and feet. We are His body and He is our head!

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.” John 14:11

He has equipped us with the same Spirit that resurrected Jesus from the dead. We are able to preach the gospel with power!

The Great Commission: “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Mark 16:17-18

When it first happened, I begged God one morning to use me, let me be Your servant, let me be Your hands and feet! I was in Norwich waiting for my train back to London. I had 3 hours to wait. I got some pie and chips and as I was waiting in line, I was suddenly filled immensely with the Holy Spirit. I was like huh, this is strange, for what. I was then eating my lunch outside and as soon as I had finished, a friend calls and a woman fell on my seat unconscious. I didn’t know what to do… and he said “pray for her!” So I did! And she got up and walked! He literally sent someone to fall almost onto me to pray for! There were some young men trying to help her and they were amazed of what had happened. I told them it was JESUS! And I told them the gospel that Jesus gave us everlasting life and forgave our sins at the cross and now we are justified by His Holy Spirit to the Father through faith alone! I was so full of joy and the following hours I shared the gospel all around town and prayed for a woman who had neck pain and it was healed!

Last week I was praying and felt called to go to Birmingham. I witnessed to my Airbnb hosts and they were amazed of the testimony how God has been moving in my life. The next day I stepped out in faith into town, praying and feeding the homeless and while evangelising I met more Christians who were also evangelising! This man Peter prayed for my feet as it was in pain for a few days and guess what the pain went away! I believe I now have arches in my feet!

So we decided to evangelise together in Birmingham. We went to a group of Muslim young teenagers and witnessed to them the gospel. One mocked us but there was this one young man who was listening very intently to what I was saying. I gave him the gospel of John in Arabic (I somehow only had a gospel of John in Arabic and one in Farsi! I was sad that I forgot my English ones at home but God knew what He was doing!). I told Peter to pray with him and he repented of his sins and declared Jesus is his Lord and Saviour. He felt the Holy Spirit bubble up within him!!! Praise the living God!

I was amazed how God promises to show His plans and glory when we put our trust in Him. Sometimes I don’t feel in-Spirited and I doubt what I’m doing “I haven’t prayed enough or read His word enough”… but it’s not me who is doing it, it’s Him! I am just a willing vessel who steps out and God creates the opportunities! I don’t really work anymore, I do this almost full time and He provides me abundance in His unique way!

There were many miracles in Birmingham but one that really ignited my heart was a man, Habib, (video in comments) who was in so much pain after an accident and was on morphine. He had a walker and was holding onto a stone block, agonising in pain. We went up to him and he was so stubborn and told us “Mohammed is my only god” and we were like right ok but can we pray for healing. He let us because he was in so much pain. We prayed for him and asked him to stand up but he couldn’t. He didn’t have the faith that he could, we said it’s ok and I gave him the gospel of John in Farsi… he was amazed why I would have a book in his own language. He was from Iran and he said ok he’ll read it.

We prayed for more ppl, fed more ppl and it was time to end the day. Peter offered to walk with me to my Airbnb and as soon as we turned the corner, we bumped into the man Habib walking quickly up the hill with his walker! He was shouting hallelujah!! He wasn’t in pain! He was giving glory to Jesus and told us he wanted to come to church. I was so amazed, I hugged him! This was 5 hrs after we prayed for him and we happened to bump into Habib again after we called it a night. God wanted to show us this miracle . Now Peter and Habib prays together in the park and is discipling him in the gospel! (one week update in comments. Habib is now declaring “Jesus is Lord, bigger than everyone”).

Peter was meant to meet me in London on the weekend but I was busy elsewhere. While he was there, he prayed for a Buddhist man’s eyes and now this person can see clearly! He prayed a few times and continued to press in. Suddenly he could see Peter’s face and he was blown away, and he was like “which church do you go to”. Evidence in the video below!

“He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” John 9:25

While he was evangelising on the other side of London, I saw a woman demonically manifest in front of me from open doors from sexual abuse when she was a child. She was contorting and scratching the floors, shrieking. We prayed for her deliverance and now she has been set free. She needed to forgive her abuser and repent for any unforgiveness. She was finally set free in the name of JESUS! I saw her yesterday and she looks lighter!!

I have also been busy with online ministry. So many souls are coming to the Lord, ex-new agers to Jesus. I don’t get much sleep with the different time zones but I am fuelled by His grace. So many testimonies!

He has also given me boldness to preach on the streets and I have seen two people give their lives to the Lord from preaching on the mic and one at the bus stop. People are suffering and they need to hear Jesus! His miracles and healings are everlasting. We must bear fruit for His Kingdom!

How can we deny healings and deliverance. Nor even Jesus! God wants to set the captives free!! Jesus is alive and He dwells in every born again believer! God is moving quickly!

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

“Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?” James 2:22

All glory to our almighty God!

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