Beloved brothers and sister in Christ, we are coming together to pray for all our loved ones stuck in new age and for revival in God’s Kingdom!
We’ll be fasting and praying for two days in loving intercession for our friends and family who are still walking in darkness and have yet to encounter the Glory and saving Grace of the Risen King Jesus!
If God has been putting the lost on your heart, please join us and let’s really press into prayer for a mighty move of God to rescue souls out of the dark kingdom and bring them into His glorious Light.
Now more than ever, prayer is needed to push back the darkness gripping so many sweet souls who are looking for God but got ensnared (as we did) in new age… God is calling His children out of Babylon in mighty numbers right now! Hallelujah!!
God is faithful! He delivered us out of Egypt and we believe he CAN and WILL do the same for all those beloved truth-seekers lost in new age occultism and satanic deception.
Let’s come together and lift their souls to the Father!
Let’s stand together as the devoted servants and Prayer Warriors he has called us to be!
We will have special guest speakers introducing various topics on fasting, the new age deception and discipleship. Every evening 8pm UK time, 9pm CEST time. We will begin and end each call with prayer and worship. Anyone is invited, also those who cannot join the fast.
Time: Friday August 5th (sunset) to Sunday August 7th (sunset)
Location: Zoom & Telegram
To Join: DM Naela Rose @undone_by_grace or Christine Đo @christine_bornagain
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