I’ve travelled the world far and wide. Jungles, mountains, oceans, temples, valleys and lived in foreign cities (visited 40+ countries).
I confined myself in solitude to be in nature to connect with you.
I looked for you in teachers. Studied under gurus and tantrikas.
I spent $50,000+ on courses and airfares and retreats.
I participated in 20+ plant medicine ceremonies. Tried every psychedelic under the sun.
I have been in broken relationships, codependent and almost got married.
I bought all the books. Had all the oracle cards. Received all the ‘right’ guidance.
I gridded my room with crystals. Wore crystals for every purpose.
I did months of self enquiry - trying to find the awareness of awareness itself
I had a 2 hour morning ritual routine and an evening routine.
I meditated everyday.
But you were nowhere to be found.
Instead you found me.
When I finally surrendered and asked for You.
